Thursday 7 April 2016

Rogue One: Katniss?

Does anyone else think that this shot looks like our favourite heroine of yesterday?

This frame, found in the Rogue One teaser trailer released earlier on Thursday, is to be one of the rebel heroes this coming December acted by Felicity Jones. Clothed in Imperial garments, looking like she is on a very Imperial-looking ship, Felicity's character, Jyn Erso, even has a weapon on her back that makes you feel like she is the next big teenage female lead.

Now, you may be thinking this is a negative article. It's neither negative or positive, just objectively looking at what we may - us; the Star Wars fandom, could have come our way. The Force Awakens stayed mostly clear of the mainstream style of what a hero movie is like. Although, the some of the "good ones" like Harry Potter, Narnia and the Dark Knight trilogy often do. However, this could be the first foray of a galaxy far, far away coming closer to earth. Heck, there was even a ninja in the trailer!

Back to the girl. This might be a good thing, if it's done right. The Hunger Games wasn't bad, even though Katniss' initially cute obliviousness and indecisiveness turned annoying quite quickly,  she was an interesting female lead. I think Jones' Jyn Erso could definitely do it, and do it better.

What do you think?